Gacha Redux Mod APK Download (PC, Android, iOS)

Gacha Star APK for Android.

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Download Gacha Redux APK for Android

About Gacha Redux

Nowadays, we can find many mods that can help us change our game’s appearance. Of course, Gacha Club has its own mods that we can easily download and use.

One of those mods is known as Gacha Redux, which has been under development by a huge team. The team under the creation of Redux is known as

As for now, we can’t tell much about what this game includes. It can surely include many new features and items, but they are working on the game now.

This mod will come with new things, as it is expected to be a huge patch over what people who got the chance to play before saw in Gacha Redux.

As for now, we can still find the old versions, which include the following:

  • New scenarios and backgrounds for people to use.
  • Lots of new characters are available for use.
  • Most of the paid features are free while using the Redux version.
  • New hairstyles, clothes, and other items in the game.

And this is only what we can tell from the previous version. There will be many new things to see when the update is up.

Why choose Gacha Redux?

Redux is one of the projects we have seen with more features in mind. There’s a huge team behind the creation of the mod, and they work hard to make it possible to be available soon.

The oldest version lets us take a look at everything they offered, but a lot of new things are coming to the newest Redux version, which is now being developed by the whole team.

The game will give us free access to all the features, items, and other things we can find in the game. There’s no need to pay for all these anymore!

As we could expect, there are new face presets, new features to create storytelling videos in Gacha Redux, and much more.

Of course, these features, which we can only mention the ones we know so far, will change with the new version of Redux.

We can say the update will be huge; there’s a team only for the art part, a development team, among other members!

How to download it?

You will find the download link to get Gacha Redux on your cell phone easily. We have everything you need here if you want to use it on a different device.

All the APKs we have here are 100% reliable. People won’t have to worry much about whether they are downloading a virus or something similar; you only need to enjoy the APK!


Is Gacha Redux Free on Android?

Yes. As we are talking about an APK, people can get it for free. It is available for everyone on the creator’s website!

Can you play Gacha Redux online?

Yes, but no. You can get the chance to play with other people who also have the Redux version, but you are no longer connected to the main game.

Can you play Gacha Star on iPhone (iOS)?

iOS devices don’t allow people to do this. There’s a thing with APKs, and it is a fact people can’t install them on iPhones and more.

Can you play Gacha Redux on PC?

Yes. An APK can be downloaded to PCs, and in the particular case of the Gacha Redux APK, we can even find a version that doesn’t need people to use an emulator.

What versions does Gacha Redux have?

So far, we can tell people about the 1.0 version of the game, but currently, the newest version is being developed, which can lead us to the 1.1.0 version.


Download Gacha Redux
Publication Date:
Jan 24, 2022
Susan Lovey
Operating system:
Android and PC (Emulated)
134MB (APK)
4.5/5 - (2 votes)